
"Ask Eddie" Fan Forum Archives

Ask Eddie Fan Forum Here are Eddie Berganza's answers to questions fans put to him in April 2004:

Eddie's Answers

Robert Giles ( asks:
Given that in "Birthright #9" the date given is February 12, 2004, doesn't this throw the whole continity of Lex's rise to Presidential power in the year 2000 out of whack? I know I may be over geekisizing (don't know if that is a real word) but it seems a little inept to do this and makes the whole point of "Birthright" pointless. Anyway cheers for answering my question!

Eddie: This was an error that I wish I could go around the world real fast and make it spin backwards to undo it. We'll try at some point soon to put all the pieces together for you.

Jeffery Grange ( asks:
Why was Superman able to be controlled by vampires in the current JLA arc? I thought Jeph Loeb had already established that his solar energy would keep this from happening.

Eddie: That vampire in JLA did not read Jeph's issue of SUPERMAN.

Aaron ( wrote: First of all, I think you are a very patient person to answer all these questions every month. Now for the question: As of Michael Turner's story arc, they introduce new characters from Kandor, can we expect to see them again soon? And Preus had black heat vision, are we going to find out why? Or how he got the power definitively? This was the first story in a while to throw me for a loop so I want to know what is going on. I know you won't be able to say much but thanks for any info you may give.

Eddie: It's my pleasure. You guys ask interesting questions. That said, Preus will be making a comeback at some point in ACTION COMICS. He's not too happy to be on Earth and I pity anyone that gets in his way.

Sebastien Lecocq (from France) ( asks:
Allison Mack recently said "DC bought my character, They bought me... which is kind of neat. My character has never been done before ["Smallville"]. I'm the original". So my question is simple: Will we really see Chloe Sullivan soon in DC Universe Superman comics and not only in the "Smallville" title? Thanks for your time and answers each month, that's great to see an editor directly connecting with fans!!!

Eddie: Aww shucks, thank you guys! At present no Chole appearances are planned. But keep asking.

Ian Mason ( asks:
After reading "Birthright", up to the point of this writing, and the new Superman titles since the reload, I've noticed the definite trend to bring back the Silver Age with a return to a lot of those concepts. Once any continuity gaps are addressed I'm sure it'll all work out, however, the one thing I see returning that doesn't seem to make sense is Clark being made a weak and clumsy fool again. One of the things I liked about Byrne's revamp was making Clark the 'real person' so to speak and Superman the disguise. Now it seems that he is being brought back to being a one dimensional, boring character. The 'man' should be more important than the 'super' and some of Superman's best tales bring this out. So, why is Clark being brought back as the wimpy disguise, when most fans, readers, viewers of "Justice League" and "Smallville", like Clark portrayed as a real person?

Eddie: Keep reading. Clark is real, and like all of us he's got some bad days. Everything was just too perfect for him before. But definitely keep an eye on ADVENTURES to see what's developing with Clark.

Havakon ( asks:
In BIRTHRIGHT, it's plainly stated that Krypton was about 33 times as massive as Earth, with higher gravity, and it's indicated the Kryptonians are apparently MADE of more densely packed matter than humans. DC had best fix this in any trade paperback of the BIRTHRIGHT series, since it would mean Lois never went to the "Return to Krypton" Krypton with Clark (she'd never have survived the gravity), and the Kents would never have been able to lift Kal-El, let alone move the ship if both were 33 times heavier than they looked. PLEASE tell me that you're going to stick with the idea of Clark's powers being SOLAR BASED ONLY (and not AT ALL related to any gravity/mass difference) is retained in the post-Birthright continuity?

Eddie: Kal's powers do come in part from the sun, but his planet did help shape him. Also Jor-El saw to it that the ship would be light weight and that his son would also be manageable as well. Rememeber both can fly (or would eventually). And Lois was never on [the real] Krypton in "Return". So she was in no gravity danger.

Greg Davidson ( asks:
With all the B13 Tech gone (Metropolis) does the Fortress of Solitude still exist inside the now tangible Globe of the Daily Planet or it he back in Antarctica?

Eddie: The Fortress was only there for one story, and then returned to its rightful place.

Ciro Espinosa ( asks:
Since this is called the "Ask Eddie" forum instead of asking you a question I wanted to ask you for something. Actually it's more like a suggestion regarding Jim Lee and his Superman issues, here it goes... The suggestion I have is this, even though I know Jim is working against the clock with the deadlines over him I wanted to ask you if it's possible, could he include in one of his Superman issues a poster/pin-up with all the main and fierecest Superman enemies like he did in his "X-Men #1" many years ago, since we won't have a chance to see them in his run?

Eddie: A possibility, but right now he's making like a speeding bullet to stay ahead of the deadlines.

Nathan McDermott ( asks:
Hey Eddie, first of all thanks for answering our questions. This new Supergirl came in that huge kryptonite meteor... first of all I am assuming the ship was lead-lined but I was wondering if the meteor was supposed to be part of Argo? Plus is there any chance we get to see those multi-colored kryptonite meteors and where did bataman and the JLA put them all?

Eddie: Keep your eyes tuned to SUPERMAN/BATMAN. If they are not answered in this current arc, then they will be in one of the following ones... maybe. You know how Jeph Loeb likes to tease. And what do you all think of "Kara" on Smallville?

Thanks again! We really appreciate you taking the time to answer our questions.

Eddie: It's always a blast to do it.

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