
"Ask Matt" Fan Forum Archives

Ask Matt Fan Forum Here are Matt Idelson's answers to questions fans put to him in April 2009:

Matt's Answers

Matt: Just wanted to start off with a shout-out to Jeffrey Taylor, who provided me with a science-based explanation on how the size and gravity of Krypton could make sense, courtesy of a book called "The Physics of Superheroes" by James Kakalios. Much thanks for making me marginally smarter, Jeffrey! And now, on to your questions:

Mick (Email address withheld by request) asks:
Matt, With "Blackest Night" looming over us, can we expect the Superman books to be greatly effected by said event? "Final Crisis" didn't seem to change anything so I was wondering if a Green Lantern event would?

Matt: You know, events have become something of a double-edged sword, Mick. On the one hand, people have expressed frustration with them, and how they interfere with the monthly titles, but when we don't participate, that generates some dissatisfaction as well. In the case of "Blackest Night," I can't go into specifics, as they aren't my specifics to go into, but I can say that DC is doing something which might solve that conundrum, satisfying those of you who want some crossover and those of you who don't. I'll leave it at that until the Official Announcement comes out.

Kevin (Email address withheld by request) asks:
Hi, Matt keep up the good work. I want to ask you concerning the Lexcorp towers in current continuity. Going back to Superman #663, where superman is chatting with Lana corcerning the baby chemos, the Lexcorp building is shown to be the one that appears in "Birthright". Then, later during the Atlas arc, in Superman #678, Lexcorp towers is shown to be the Byrne style. So which one is the one currently in use, Matt? Is the L shape seen from the top while from the front its style is like "Birthright"?

Matt: That's it exactly, Kevin! As has been the case with many pieces of continuity, we've tried to take a "have our cake and eat it, too" approach, incorporating as many things from past stories and events as we can. In this case, we went with elements from both "Birthright" and John Byrne's titanic run when showing the Lexcorp offices.

Arnie Davila-Toro ( asks:
Hey, Matt! Now that the classic Legion of Super Heroes has risen again in a fitting blaze in "Action Comics" and "Legion of Three Worlds", my curiosity is left wondering, are the original Superboy Legion stories from "Adventure Comics" back in play canon-wise with a few adjustments to the new continuity? Or, once Geoff's "Secret Origin" sets the young Clark Kent record straight, might there be another Legion series featuring new twists on the classic stories to accompany the new "Adventure" book?

Matt: Truthfully, Arnie, I can't really answer that without giving some good goods away! I will say that the Legion most certainly show up in "Secret Origin."

Chris Clow (Email address withheld by request) asks:
Hey, Matt! I know Superman's pretty much AWOL for the next year or so, but is THE Superman (not the Earth-2 as we already know) going to have any significant role in the forthcoming Blackest Night? It seems that with Batman and Superman out of the picture, the DCU is falling on the shoulders of Hal Jordan and Barry Allen. Any hope for Superman vs. Black Lanterns? Thanks!

Matt: It's something we've certainly discussed, Chris, but we've opted not to deal with it in WONK (World of New Krypton) for various reasons. I could still see it cropping up though, somewhere.

Kal (Email address withheld by request) asks:
W'sup Matt, I would just like to know on the status of The Eradicator. Has he been written out of continuity or is he in limbo until a writer decides to do something with him? Also thanks for taking the time out to chat to the fans, you're tops bro!

Matt: Thanks a lot, Kal! I always appreciated the interaction between creators and fans when I was growing up and voraciously reading comics, and I love participating in it now that I'm on this side of the desk! We had some nascent ideas for the Eradicator a couple of years ago which fell by the wayside as we focused on the (then) upcoming return of Kandor, but that's one character we'd definitely like to bring into play. Whether that happens this year, I don't know. Sooner or later, though...

Gino Mete ( asks:
What are Superman's feelings about Batman's death? Will we see his reaction in the comics?

Matt: I would say that Superman is pretty bummed out over Batman's death, Gino. And while that's not something we'll be reflecting on in the Superman books, it is something that will be addressed, for sure, elsewhere.

Andrew ( asks:
Matt, I was wondering if New Krypton will be affected in any way by what's going down in the GL books, particularly the Blackest Night? Also, are we going to see any interaction between a certain blond powerhouse from the JSA and the New Earth/Earth-0 counterpart of her mother?

Matt: New Krypton will most definitely be feeling the effects of "BN," Andrew, though I'm not so sure about the latter. As for your "certain blond" question, that's a great one! We don't have plans at the moment, either here, in JSA or in her own new monthly, but it's something that would be cool, and we should make a point of doing. If we offered No-Prizes, I would award you one just on merit.

James Heath Lantz (Email address withheld by request) asks:
Hi Matt, I want to thank you for answering all of the fans' questions. Also, I'd like to say that the recent run of Superman books has been, well, SUPER. I especially have enjoyed Geoff Johns and Gary Frank's run on "Action Comics". Will they be doing more adventures of the Man of Steel after "Secret Origin"?

Matt: There are some definite plans in the works post-"Secret Origin" James. As to what character those plans will involve, I dare not say at this time! Geoff and Greg are definitely a team worth following, though, no matter which character they're on!

omike015 (Email address withheld by request) asks:
Hi Matt, any chance of seeing a SHOWCASE PRESENTS: SUPERBOY series starting soon?

Matt: Interestingly, omike, there were some discussions at one point, but they were tabled. It could still happen, though it's not in the publishing plan presently.

Gene ( asks:
Hello Matt, Any chance your friends at Collected Editions will release a "Supergirl: The Greatest Stories Ever Told" volume? It would be cool if you could get Helen Slater to write the introduction like Lynda Carter did with the Wonder Woman one.

Matt: So far, no plans, but I think it's a great idea! Especially the Helen Slater part!

Steve asks:
If fans want to say hello to you, what conventions can they find you at in the coming months?

Matt: I'll be in Barcelona next month, for any Spain-based fans who might care. As for the continental U.S., my next live performance will be at San Diego's Comic Con in July. Please do stop by and say hello! (I'm tragically lonely.)

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