2010 Comic Book News Archives

June 28, 2010: JMS Talks About Superman's Journey Across America

Superman #702 Maxim.com published an interview with "Superman" writer J. Michael Staczynski to ask him about the "Grounded" story line, which will see Superman walking across America over the course of the next year. Here's an excerpt from the interview...

    As a nation, we have been tribalized and marginalized and factionalized to within an inch of our lives, to the point where some wonder if there really is AN America for Superman to visit, if there's just subsets of what was once the country. For those who may not be interested in Superman, I think that's a valid story, because in the end, it's not about him, it's about us.

    Let's talk about the "us" in the comic. Will the general public within the DC universe be aware of his journey? We can easily see him acquiring a Forrest Gump-esque group of followers who walk with him.

    Nothing Forrest Gump about it. This is a story about a man returning to his roots, to his home, to see what's changed and what, if anything, he can do about it. As for the DCU, his decision to embark on this journey is covered in great detail, so everybody there knows it's going on. Some will join him for a while, most won't. This is his personal story, so he's better on his own.

Read the entire interview at Maxim.com.

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