2016 Comic Book News Archives

January 8, 2016: Neal Adams Talks About "The Coming of the Supermen"

Coming of the Supermen ComicBookResources.com has published a new interview with Neal Adams in which he speaks in detail about his upcoming six-issue miniseries, "Superman: The Coming of the Supermen". Here's a portion of the interview...

    You have said that this is the "Superman You Want." What do we - the royal we - want from Superman? Neal Adams: The question is, can I read your mind and give you the Superman that you want? [Laughs] When I first did Batman and sort of revolutionized Batman, everybody said, "This is the way Batman ought to be!" They didn't want him the way that he was depicted in the television show. "Neal Adams has created Batman!" No, I didn't. It was the same old Batman that everybody forgot. His cape flows, and he goes around at night. He's Batman. Hello! It's just that [at the time] nobody seemed to know what Batman was anymore.

    I'm not saying DC Comics has lost their vision of Superman, but he does seem to be flying off the mark in different directions. I liked what Joe Shuster and Jerry Siegel did with Superman: Superman!

    I like Lois Lane, and I like [Lex] Luthor. And I don't like Luthor being a handsome, younger man. I like him being heavy and bald and cranky with a big nose. I want him to be Luthor - a mean, awful genius that's actually jealous of Superman's hair.

    I actually have a panel in "The Coming of the Supermen" where Superman and Luthor are in a confrontation, they're yelling at one another, and as a last statement, Luthor leans forward and says, "By the way, I hate your hair." [Laughs] I always wanted to write that. You know he has to hate Superman's hair.

"Superman: The Coming of the Supermen" #1 by Neal Adams arrives February 3.

Read the complete interview at the CBR website.

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