2004 Comic Book News Archives

Action Comics #816

June 8, 2004: Chuck Austen Talks “Action Comics”

The Pulse sat down with Chuch Austen to talk to him about his work on "Action Comics" and what his take on Superman is. Here's an excerpt from the interview...

Q: What do you think is necessary to make Superman interesting?

A: Make him someone you can relate to as a human being. Make him charming and entertaining and fun and real. I'm a strong believer that stories and characters are much more accessible if you have something personal about them you can latch onto. Something about them you can relate to. In my opinion, Superman works best when he's set against a backdrop of the familiar, because he's such a fantastic character. If you always put him in a fantastic situation, with fantastic powers, a perfect personality that always makes the right choices, a perfect alter ego, with the perfect wife and job ... who can relate to that? And who cares? I'd be annoyed by it. He's the perfect mirror that shows you every pore and every wrinkle on your face, and makes you feel terrible about yourself, not better. And I think he had the same effect on a lot of readers.

By making him more "human," and more someone I understand as a person, I think it's made him someone others can get into. A character you can understand and like. So far the reaction's been amazing, so it seems to be working. Knock wood [laughs]. It also certainly doesn't hurt that I've got the brilliant Ivan Reis to visualize my scripts. That goes a long way. Ivan gives Superman and Clark such great expressions, and makes him live and breathe as a charming, intense man. There are some things coming that are going to knock people on their asses.

Go Ivan!

Q: What were your instincts with the character?

A: To make him more like he was when Siegel and Shuster created him. Make him funny, confident, and most of all, entertaining. An "Every Man" who had this secret of, "If you only knew." It was a simple formula, really. Give people something they can relate to, entertain them with it, and they will come back. People need to enjoy reading Superman. He's the first and greatest superhero ever created! He spawned this entire superhero industry! So my instincts were: go back to what worked. You wouldn't think that would have been such a challenge, but it was. Make him entertaining first. Make him the big, summer, action blockbuster that's just a load of fun while you're sitting there, escaping reality. Not as topical, deeply meaningful, or intelligently written as Azarello's or Rucka's Superman, but unique and fun.

Read the entire interview at The Pulse website.

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