Who's Who in the Superman Comics

Hector Hammond

A professional criminal, Hector Hammond attempted to evade law enforcement by hiding in the hills of California. He wandered into a meteorite, which evolved the nearby land by 100,000 years. Hoisting the meteor back to his lair, Hammond abducted four scientists and exposed them to the meteor - evolving them into futuristic beings, possessed of advanced mental abilities. But a side effect was that their will power was dampened. This allowed Hammond to enslave the scientists, and force them to create technologically advanced inventions - which were credited by the outside world to Hector Hammond.

This charade would lead to Hector Hammond becoming a celebrity throughout America. Residing just outside Coast City, Hammond gained the attention of Green Lantern, and eventually the two began a bitter battle. The first victory went to the heroic Green Lantern, who rescued the scientists, exposed Hammond for the criminal and fraud that he was, and then brought the villain to justice.

After months of incareration, Hector Hammond escaped prison. His immediate agenda was to gain revenge on the Emerald Gladiator. To do so, he got his hands on the mysterious meteor, and exposed himself directly to its rays. Hammond was evolved into a future man himself; and now he had the mental abilities to challenge Green Lantern. However, further tests revealed to him that additional exposure to the rays would make him immortal. And so, the egotistical, greedy Hector Hammond increased his dosage of the meteor's rays...at a horrific cost. While he now possessed super-psionic powers and was immortal...Hector Hammond was now immobile; unable to move his body...forever paralyzed.

For years, Hector Hammond proved a constant thorn in the side of Green Lantern. Once, he even opposed the entire Justice League of America! And over time, Hector Hammond was detained in prisons throughout America - California, Louisiana, and recently, just outside of Chicago. It was here, where a vengeful scientist - whose wife was a victim of Hector Hammond's, worked his way to gain access to Hammond's detainment center. Injecting poisonous toxins into the villain and tormenting him physically, the sadistic researcher wanted to exact the ultimate revenge upon Hammond. However, Hector Hammond's powerful mind reached out, to possess the mind and body of a gigantic gorilla. This gorilla found his way to Chicago, and caused mayhem throughout the city. Superman was alerted to the danger, and engaged the titanic primate in battle. But Hector Hammond's awesome powers immediated place Superman in a state of psychologic chaos. Literally mind-melding with the behemoth, Superman realized that Hector Hammond was "crying for help." This revelation led Superman to the holding facility, and to the rescue of Hector Hammond.

While the notorious villain was left in a dreadful state, Hector Hammond's lust for freedom and domination knows no bounds. Historically evil, it's likely he will assault society someday soon...and even run afoul of Superman.

First Appearance: Green Lantern #5 (Silver Age Version)

Who's Who in the Superman Comics


This is a listing of many of the notable characters and a few places that have appeared in the Superman comics from the 1986 revamp up until around 2008.

NOTE: A new, and more current version of the Who's Who is currently being worked on and can be accessed by clicking here.

Although Superman often appears in other DC Comics, this text's information is limited mainly to what has occurred in the regular Superman comics.

Many thanks to Scotty V, Derrick Lyle Coleman, Dean Vanek, Genevieve Clemens and Benjamin Grose who all helped out at one time or another with writing and updating these Who's Who descriptions.

The listings are displayed as follows:

  • Surname, Firstname - Text describing the character, place, object, etc...

Relevant issues of the Superman comics are listed as such:
  • SUP = Superman
  • MOS = Man of Steel
  • AOS = Adventures of Superman
  • ACT = Action Comics
  • MOT = Man of Tomorrow

The Issue Number for each of these titles is written in this manner: “#000”. (e.g. SUP #123)

“First Appearance” refers to the issue since 1986 unless otherwise noted.